MOMSO is a near-global coupled biogeochemical ocean-circulation model configuration. The configuration features a horizontal discretization with a grid spacing of less than 11 km in the Southern Ocean and gradually coarsens in meridional direction to more than 200 km at 64∘ N, where the model is bounded by a solid wall.

MOMBA is a coupled ocean-circulation–ice model configuration of the Baltic Sea. The model features a horizontal resolution of ≈ 1 nautical mile (≈ 1.85 km), which is eddy-resolving over much of the domain. An oxygen module was recently added.

MOMBE is an ultra-high resolution ocean circulation model of Eckernförde Bight in the Baltic Sea. The spatial resolution is 100x100m. MOMBE is coupled to the oxygen module EckO2.

MOMA is a coupled biogeochemical ocean model configuration of the Atlantic Ocean off Mauretania, a region renown for its complex ocean circulation driven by seasonal wind patterns, coastal upwelling and peculiar mode water eddies featuring toxic levels of dissolved oxygen. MOMA exists in four different spatial resolutions, ranging from 1.5 km to 12 km.
All model configuration are based on the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Modular Ocean Model (MOM), version MOM4p1. We run additionally global models.